Mehlville School District’s Teacher of the Year creates an inclusive environment for all students
Posted on 04/23/2021
Forder Elementary School English Learner (EL) teacher Amanda Wyatt has been named Mehlville School District’s Teacher of the Year for the 2020-2021 school year.
In her role as an EL Specialist, Wyatt primarily works with students whose first language is something other than English. There are 17 different primary languages spoken by Forder Elementary School students.
Photo: Mehlville School District's 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year Amanda Wyatt talks with a second grade student at Forder Elementary School.
“Something special about EL is that everyday I learn something new from my teachers, parents and students, whether it’s learning a new word in another language or something about their culture,” said Wyatt.
Wyatt has worked at Forder Elementary since 2012. Prior to her current role, she served as a kindergarten teacher and fourth-grade teacher. She has developed a reputation for creating an inclusive environment that celebrates Forder Elementary’s diverse, multicultural population.
“She is so dedicated to all of our families and making sure they feel safe, welcome and comfortable,” said Dr. Whitney Maus, Forder Elementary School principal. “She collaborates with staff to teach us about all of the different cultures we have at Forder, so we can be more understanding and welcoming, too.”
Wyatt spearheaded several projects related to student inclusivity, including displaying flags of every country represented by Forder’s students and Start with Hello, a monthly tradition where staff greet students with signs in their native language. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wyatt reached out to all of her EL families individually to make sure they understood the communication that was coming from the district.
Photo: Students hold signs in languages native to Forder Elementary School students in October 2019.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Jeff Bresler surprised Wyatt in her classroom with the news of her selection.
“In addition to being an excellent EL teacher, Ms. Wyatt leads district professional development, develops interactive family events, including virtual events during the pandemic, and assists families with interpreters and community resources," said Dr. Bresler. "She goes above and beyond to provide an inclusive learning environment for all students.”
Watch the surprise.