Community Service Hours Available
Any MHS or OHS Alumni who are in need of fulfilling community service hours for St. Louis County, St. Louis City or Jefferson County, please note that the Mehlville-Oakville Alumni Association is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization and we are on the authorized list of community service providers. Please call 314-450-1481 to see what we can do for you.
Alumni Volunteers NEEDED!
Anyone with a few hours a month to help, we ALWAYS have things to do at the office OR:
You can help us post events on Facebook
Update our database on Constant Contact
Assist reunion committees at reunions
Load/unload truck for Savers FUNDraisers
Help at Trivia Night (the Friday before Super Bowl)
Get donations for raffle and silent auction items
Assist at Homecomings or All Night Graduation Parties
Put together this monthly email newsletter
Call 314-450-1481 with your questions or ideas how YOU can help us raise money for our operations, projects and college scholarships for MHS and OHS seniors!