What transitioning between learning plans could look like
Posted on 09/04/2020
Mehlville School District families,
I wanted to share an update with you on the metrics we are tracking to decide when to transition On-Campus students from Plan C: Connected to Plan B: Blended or Plan A: At School. I also wanted to share some thoughts on what our transition between plans may look like. Please watch the video I recorded for you.
A decision to transition from one plan to another probably won't happen at the same time for all students in grades K-12. We'll likely begin with early elementary grades shifting to the Blended plan first. We will be making decisions based on data and the latest science available. Any decision to shift from one plan to another will be announced at least five calendar days in advance to give our families time to make necessary arrangements.
These transitions between plans will not impact students enrolled in Mehlville@Home. Those students will continue to learn virtually through the end of the semester.
Dr. Chris Gaines