Registration Team

Kim Baum, North Attendance Area
[email protected]
Beasley Elementary, Bierbaum Elementary, Forder Elementary, Hagemann Elementary, Trautwein Elementary, Buerkle Middle, Washington Middle and Mehlville High School
Chris Vitale, South Attendance Area
[email protected]
Blades Elementary, Oakville Elementary, Point Elementary, Rogers Elementary, Wohlwend Elementary, Bernard Middle, Oakville Middle and Oakville High School

Don't know what school your child should attend?
Enter your home address on the district boundaries page to determine which school your child will attend and which registrar to contact.
The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].