Mehlville School District Market Value Assets
A market value asset is defined as industry valued and recognized skills acquired in high school that create a more seamless transition from school to postsecondary education and/or the workplace. Students who leave high school with a diploma and market value assets are more likely to enroll in postsecondary education/training and successfully navigate the journey from school to employment without getting lost along the way.
Market value assets make further education and training, and ultimately, a job, more affordable and more attainable. Examples of market value assets achieved in high school are: internships and apprenticeships, substantive dual college credit applicable toward a degree or certification, select industry-recognized credentials, completion of authentic, substantive project work for clients, paid work experience in area of career interest, entrepreneurial experiences, provisional patents, etc.
Mehlville School District Business Partnership Narrative
The Mehlville School District is committed to ensuring that all students have the knowledge, skills, behaviors and experiences to achieve personal goals and contribute in all facets of life. This process is a collaborative effort between families, students, the Mehlville School District and community partners. This collaborative effort will lead to a cornerstone experience, known as a Market Value Asset, which prepares a student for future learning and employment. Market Value Assets in the Mehlville School District include the following:
- Supervised Business Experiences (SBE) and Supervised Marketing Experiences (SME) through DESE approved Career and Technical Education programs in which students engage in long-term internships,
- Attainment of Industry Recognized Credentials through comprehensive curriculum and South Tech,
- Internships and Entrepreneurial Experiences (EEs) via STLCAPS,
- Early College programming through St. Louis Community College for industry certifications and concurrent enrollment for advanced degrees,
- 70 Advanced Placement, Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment courses available through the district.
Mehlville School District Student Experience Narrative
The Mehlville School District partners with the Special School District to provide students access to over 25 career and technical education programs offered by South Technical High School. Students explore career interests with business partners through mentorship, internships, apprenticeships, while earning industry credentials and college credit. Students who attend South Tech High School earn more than 75% of the overall total Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) earned by students in the Mehlville School District. The St. Louis Center of Advanced Professional Studies (STLCAPS) offers students an immersive experience through strands of dedicated focus including: Global Business & Entrepreneurship, Engineering & Technology Development, and Medicine, Health Care & Bioscience. Students focus on specific career pathways, develop professionalism and durable skills through interactions with a variety of business partners. Business partners provide students with short and long-term internships in addition to assisting in the development and implementation of client connect projects.
The Mehlville School District offers over 70 different college level courses, including articulating credit, dual credit courses, and Advanced Placement courses. The school district maintains dual credit and dual enrollment partnership agreements with 8 local and state colleges or universities including our Early College Academy which allows for the attainment of an Associate's Degree concurrent with the attainment of a high school diploma.
The table below represents various data pertaining to Market Value Assets within the Mehlville School District:

Class of 2023 Mehlville School District Career and Technical Education Post-Program Placement
Annually, data is collected and submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regarding the post-program placement of Mehlville School District graduates. Below you will find a summary of information. Class of 2024 information is not yet available, but will be updated once the data has been finalized through DESE:

Mehlville School District Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning Programs
Apprenticeships and work-based learning programs appear within the Mehlville School District’s Strategic Plan, specifically under the area of “Personalized Student Preparation: Pathways.” The goal of the district is to identify pathways (career clusters) for students that support career paths and highlight the types of classes and skills needed in order to have success within a particular career. The district knows that apprenticeships and work-based learning programs support workforce development, provides students with work-based experiences, provide industry recognized credentials, offer students an opportunity to be accountable in their chosen pathway and provides the district an opportunity to leverage existing processes and resources to best support students.