Mehlville School District DESE Certification & Credentialing for Industry Recognized Credentials
A DESE-approved Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) is defined as a portable, recognized credential that validates an individual has successfully demonstrated skill competencies in a core set of content and performance standards in a specific set of work-related tasks, single occupational area, or a cluster of related occupational areas. The IRC assessment must be comprehensive in nature to be considered.
The table below represents various data pertaining to Industry Recognized Credential within the Mehlville School District:

Mehlville School District Student Industry Recognized (IRC) Credential Narrative
The Mehlville School District partners with the Special School District to provide students access to over 25 career and technical education programs offered by South Technical High School which qualify students to earn an IRC. Students explore career interests with business partners through mentorship, internships, apprenticeships, while earning industry credentials and college credit. Students who attend South Tech High School earn more than 75% of the overall total Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) earned by students in the Mehlville School District.
The St. Louis Center of Advanced Professional Studies (STLCAPS) also offers students an immersive experience through strands of dedicated focus including: Global Business & Entrepreneurship, Engineering & Technology Development, and Medicine, Health Care & Bioscience. Students focus on specific career pathways, develop professionalism and durable skills through interactions with a variety of business partners. Business partners provide students with short and long-term internships in addition to assisting in the development and implementation of client connect projects.
The Mehlville School District also offers over 70 different college level courses, including articulating credit, dual credit courses, and Advanced Placement courses which meet the guidelines of the certification and credentialing program. The school district maintains dual credit and dual enrollment partnership agreements with eight (8) local and state colleges or universities including our Early College Academy which allows for the attainment of an Associate's Degree concurrent with the attainment of a high school diploma.