Success-Ready Students Network

Mehlville School District General Information regarding the Success-Ready Students Network

At the Mehlville School District, we utilize a personalized competency-based approach to support every student in developing the knowledge, skills  and dispositions they need to be high school, college, career and workplace ready. These are the indicators that we utilize to assess our students’ progress.

High School Readiness

High School Readiness shows how prepared a student is for success in grades 9-12.  Districts use one of several approved Interim Assessment tools to measure the impact of instruction on student learning. This impact is identified as either status (performance at a point in time) or growth (performance over a specific period of time). The Interim Assessments help inform students of their progress in understanding grade-level standards and support teachers in providing effective instruction.  

The Mehlville School District uses both iReady and STAR as interim assessments to inform students of their learning progress and support teachers in effective instruction. Interim assessments are used in Grades 3-8. In English Language Arts, iReady is used in Grades 3-5 and STAR is used in Grades 6-8. In Mathematics, iReady is used in Grades 3-8. Learn more about how students are progressing in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

College, Career and Workplace Readiness
Students use an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) as a planning tool to set goals and build their College, Career and Workplace (CCWR) portfolio of evidence. Students engage with Market Value Assets, DESE Certification/Credentialing, Qualifying Assessments and/or foundational learning as evidenced in end-of-course exams that support their ICAP. The level of student engagement with this learning is as follows:

Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) A roadmap to help students develop the awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills to create their own meaningful pathways to be success-ready graduates.

Market Value Assets (MVA)

A cornerstone experience that prepares a student for future learning and employment, MVAs are authentic previews of the world of work or postsecondary education. While the professional and academic worlds are ever-changing, the outgrowths students develop when they work on authentic projects with real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit them throughout their lives.

DESE Certification/Credentialing

A DESE-approved Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) is defined as a portable, recognized credential that validates an individual has successfully demonstrated skill competencies in a core set of content and performance standards in a specific set of work-related tasks, single occupational area, or a cluster of related occupational areas.
Qualifying Assessments/College and Career Assessment Data Department-approved measures (qualifying assessments) are represented by the following: ACT, SAT, WorkKeys, ACCUPLAER and ASVAB. Scores on any of these assessments count toward the College and Career Readiness Assessment calculation.
End of Course Exams Standards-based tests that measure specific skills defined for each content area by the state of Missouri.  Required exams are: English Language Arts II, Algebra I, Biology and Government.  
Graduation Rates and Graduation Follow Up

View our Benchmark Data

For additional information on the Success-Ready Students Network or more in-depth explanations of these assessments, visit

The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].